European Researchers’ Night

European Researchers’ Night

Pedro Ferreira and Chiara Mirabella, ICIQ ESRs, participated in the European Researchers’ Night in Barcelona.WHO IS WHO IN EUROPEAN SCIENCE? was a shared event with other ITN projects based in Tarragon and Barcelona (SINGEK, OPATHY, CHROMDESIGN, VIRO-FLOW, MIXITIN and ELCOREL).

They had the chance to explain their projects with general public and share their passion for European Science with the ESRs of the other ITN projects participating on the event.

Daniel Sánchez-Resa, ISOF-CNR ESR, also participated to the researchers’ Night in Bologna. He and his supervisor Dr. Barbara Ventura showed some of the experiments prepared for the NOAH LAB. Simulated-Drug delivery with alginate capsules and food colorants!

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Posted in Activities.